Special orders, 200.45 (2)
Special use permits, 200.45 (3)
Tax levies, 200.55 (6)
User charges, 200.59
microfilming MICROFILMING
Bank records, evidence, 220.285
Business records, evidence, 889.29
Circuit court papers, 59.40 (2)
City, village, town, school or clerk of court records, 19.21 (4)
County records, 228.07
Credit union records, 220.285
Milwaukee county records, Ch. 228
Savings and loan association records, 215.26 (4)
State records, 16.61
midwest interstate low_level radioactive waste commission MIDWEST INTERSTATE LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMMISSION
Created, 14.81
midwest technology development institute MIDWEST TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE
Membership, 36.11 (18)
midwifery MIDWIFERY
Advisory committee, 440.987
Definitions, 440.9805
Discipline, 440.986
Licensing, 440.982
Nurse-midwife, 441.15
Renewal, 440.08 (2), 440.983
Patients, informed consent, 440.985
Rules, 440.984
Title, use of, 440.981
Vicarious liability, 440.988
migrant workers MIGRANT WORKERS
military MILITARY
military_1. code of military justice 1. Code of Military Justice
Accessories after the fact, 322.078
Apprehension and restraint:
Apprehension, 322.007
Place of, 322.011
Prohibited with enemy prisoners, 322.012
Delivery of offenders to civil authority, 322.014
Punishment before trial prohibited, 322.013
Imposition, 322.009
Person charged with offense, 322.010
Attempt, 322.080
Conspiracy, 322.081
Courts-martial; appointment and composition:
Absent and additional members, 322.029
Counsel, trial and defense, 322.027
General courts-martial, who may convene, 322.022
Membership, 322.025
Military judge, 322.026
Reporters and interpreters, 322.028
Special courts-martial, who may convene, 322.023
Summary courts-martial, who may convene, 322.024
Courts-martial jurisdiction:
Classification of courts-martial, 322.016
Generally, 322.017
General courts-martial, 322.018
Special courts-martial, 322.019
Summary courts-martial, 322.020
Courts of inquiry, 322.135
General provisions:
Availability of code, 322.137
Complaints of wrongs, 322.138
Criminal code interaction, 322.0001
Definitions, 322.001
Governor, delegation of authority, 322.140
Immunity for action of military courts, 322.144
Judge advocates, 322.006
Jurisdiction to try certain personnel, 322.003
Persons subject to code; jurisdiction, 322.002
Territorial applicability, 322.005
Uniformity of interpretation, 322.143
Lesser included offenses, 322.079
Nonjudicial punishment, 322.015
Absence without leave, 322.086
Arson, 322.126
Assault, 322.128
Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer, 322.090
Burglary, 322.129
Captured or abandoned property, 322.103
Conduct unbecoming officer and gentleman, 322.133
Contempt toward officials, 322.088